Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. - Ayn Rand |
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Hulda Regehr Clark, Ph.D., N.D.Dr. Hulda R. Clark has done a very unusual thing with her invention of the parasite zapper. She has given it away! Instructions for building a Hulda Clark electrical zapper are included in her book, A Cure for all Diseases. Dr. Hulda Clark, author of The Cure for All Cancers and many other books is a physiologist, cancer researcher, naturopath and amateur ham radio enthusiast. Her varied interests led her to some very unique research in the area of disease and health. Dr. Hulda Clark has done extensive research with herbal treatments, creating a herbal kidney cleanse that is purported to eliminate eight different kinds of kidney stones and a liver cleanse that is said to be effective in eliminating allergies, excess weight, tennis elbow and other liver ailments. Hulda Clark's research led her to develop the Syncrometer™, an electronic resonant testing machine. This machine is used by her to test for the existence of any substance in the body. It is said to work by placing a sample of the substance on one plate, and checking for resonance in the body when the plate is electrically connected to the substance. The synchrometer then allowed Hulda Regher Clark to scan clients for various substances. Her results were very interesting since she kept finding the same substances in clients with similar diseases. Specifically Dr. Hulda Clark found the intestinal fluke in the liver and the presence of propyl alcohol in many of her clients with Cancer. In diabetics, Hulda found the cattle pancreatic fluke in the pancreas and the presence of wood alcohol. Dr. Clark repeatedly found the presence of benzene and the intestinal fluke in the thymus with clients reported to have AIDS. The more research Dr. Hulda Clark did, the more conditions she found that seemed to have a relationship to parasites. Specificially, she saw this pattern with acne, ALS, arthritis, asthma, chronic fatigue, colitis, Crohn's disease, eczema, endometriosis, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, seizures and more. At first, Hulda worked with specific frequencies to eliminate each parasite individually. This process of jumping from one frequency to the next was difficult and time consuming. Dr. Clark and her son Geoff were trying to develop a device that would eliminate the Human Intestinal Fluke parasite quickly and painlessly when they discovered a frequency generation device that seemed to eliminate virtually every other parasite, virus, bacteria, mold, and fungi after only 7 minutes. This was a truly astounding discovery. Dr. Clark found that it eliminated all of these invading organisms at the same time, independent of the parasite's specific frequency while not adversely affecting adults, children or pets she tested. The parasite elimination scheme seemed to work by zapping the bugs, so they called the device the Bug Zapper, or Zapper for short. Geoff, her son, then used his technical abilities to design and build a hand-held, battery-operated model of the powerful frequency generator. Hulda Clark continues her Synchrometer™ research, traveling around the world giving lectures and demonstrations, and has recently published numerous additional books. Disclaimer:Please understand that we cannot be responsible for any effects - good or bad - believed due to the use of this device. This website does not make any claims regarding the usefulness of this device, nor does it adopt any claims of the inventor(s). Do not use this device if you are pregnant, using a pacemaker, have heart disorders, are subject to seizures, have metal implants, or have any other serious medical condition. This device is for research and experimentation only, and has not been approved by FDA. The device is not approved for use on humans. Consult your professional health practitioner or Medical Doctor before using this device. Please see our Terms of Use for additional disclaimers. Syncrometer™ is a registered trademark of Dr. Hulda Clark and The Self Health Resource Center.
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