Sound Therapy SoftwareIt is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. - Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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Sound Therapy Software

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Due to the fact that this unique program has not been updated in years, we have decided to provide it for free to sound researchers. This program can still be made to run in the latest version of Windows, but it may require the use of the compatibility mode. It was written for Window XP, so it might run better on an older computer. to receive your free copy. Please specify CD or digital version.

We do not recommend using this software on a Mac because we do not know if a Mac interprets sounds in the same way as a Windows operating system does.  The software would not be useful.
BioWaves has developed state of the are sound therapy software.

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Identi-Phi Software


Available as a CD or digital download.

Have you ever wondered how love is communicated? Have you ever noticed that people in love tend to talk to each other in what we would describe as a "loving way?" Have you wondered what that is?

There is research which suggests that people communicate love by speaking in tones or frequencies that include the perfect sixth interval, or a phi ratio. Dan Winter has done extensive studies on people feeling love and communicating love. He found that the feeling of love is associated with the phi ratio or Golden Mean Ratio.

People can shake hands in different manners - formally or in a manner which communicates love. It has been found that when people are communicating love in their hand shake, it will be associated with the phi ratio.

Now there is software which can measure your voice to tell if you are speaking with strong phi ratio harmonics in your voice. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only software which even attempts to analyze this voice quality.

This state of the art voice software analysis package helps you to discover and evaluate your vocal modulation and harmonics as you speak or tone into the microphone. It has a special feature allowing you to look for and receive feedback when you create sounds that are high in phi ratio harmonics, the harmonics of love.

The phi, or golden ratio, has been found in nature, architecture and biological systems such as anatomy.

This computerized BioFeedback software lets you examine the harmonics you create with your voice and shows when phi ratioed harmonics, which indicate an expression of love and truth, are being created.

It Features:

  • Real-Time Sound Processing
  • Display Time Data
  • Displays Frequency Data
  • Display Frequency Modulation or FFT Cepstrum.
    This is also known as the 2nd order FFT.
  • Display Harmonic Content

System Requirements:

  • Windows Operating System, any version
  • Sound Card
  • Microphone

Buy the Identi-Phi program today, and see if you and your friends can make Phi ratioed sounds.

Identi-Phi Software program as it normally appears when you first start the software.

The software will update all four of these displays in real time, allowing you to see the various attributes of the sound you are currently hearing. Each of the four displays show a different aspect of the sound.

See below an explanation of all four.

This is a representation of the recorded sound. In other words, this is the raw data from the microphone.

This display is useful in that it allows you to look at the shape of the sound wave, which can vary considerably. Technically speaking, it is a display of the microphone air pressure vs. time.

This window displays the Real-Time FFT or frequency energy content of the recorded sounds.

This is a picture of the energy in the sound at different frequencies. The peaks at the left of the display indicate strong low frequencies, whereas peaks at the right side indicate loud high frequency components.  

A quick example may help. If we had George and Mary singing at the same time, this display would let you watch the pitch and loudness of each. George's singing would show up more to the left if he was singing at a lower pitch than Mary.  

Try whistling into the microphone and you should quickly start to understand.

The Frequency Modulation window shows the modulation content of the FFT, or the Cepstrum. This is also known as the 2nd Order FFT.

This is distinctly more complicated and harder to understand than the FFT. It is a step in our goal of finding the harmonic signatures in a waveform. It indicates patterns in the FFT, or the modulation resulting from the mixing different waves.  

Perhaps it will be easier to think of it as a spectrum of the spectrum. It was originally utilized for characterizing earthquakes and explosions, and has found a number of applications in speech analysis.


The name Cepstrum came from a mixing of the word spectrum. The name is the reverse of the first 4 letters, spec to ceps.

The Harmonic Content Window.This Window shows the relative strength of the harmonic ratios from 1.5 to 3.0.  

The first point in the graph shows the harmonic ratio at a ratio of 1.5, whereas the last point shows the harmonic ratio at 3.0.  

It is common to have audio signals that have strong 2.0 harmonic signals, since that is the standard overtone. This graphic shows a signal that is strong in the 2.0 harmonics.  

A Phi ratioed harmonic will show a peak near the left side of the graph. Can you find or make sounds that have strong phi related harmonic ratios?

Sound Assistant Software

The development of technology has made it possible to add a new dimension to sound therapy. With appropriate software and training, it is now an easy matter to sample the voice, analyze the quality of the vocal spectrum and generate output frequencies to balance areas which need it.

This amazing sound therapy computer program is packed with features! All of the windows are fully integrated. When you click on one thing, say a muscle, the Nutritional Database looks up the muscle and substances close to that frequency, the Frequency Wheel displays the note relationship for the frequency, the Tonebox Window prepares to program a track with that frequency and a white line appears at that frequency on all plots. This level of integration makes it possible for you to concentrate on the client and not the software.


This sound therapy software allows you to chromatically process the voice in real-time. Chromatic processing of vocal signals has been the mainstay of Sound Therapy Voice analysis for decades.

The BioTuner gives you the big picture. You will not get the detailed analysis you get with the Sound Assistant.

Here's an example of how the BioTuner can be used. If a person speaks and the software shows that the note of G is consistently missing, then the person talks about their brother and the note of G suddenly appears, you know that the note of G has some connection with the brother.

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