Transducer, sound therapy software and CDsMedical practice has neither philosophy nor common sense to recommend it. In sickness the body is already loaded with impurities. By taking drug medicines more impurities are added, thereby the case is further embarrassed and harder to cure. - Elmer Lee, M.D., Past Vice President, Academy of Medicine.
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Sound Therapy Products
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Vibration Transducer

This vibration transducer allows you to feel your favorite music or sound therapy CD. The transducer brings a tactile feel for the sound waves to the point where the body is in contact with it. Enjoy the same benefits you would with a sound bed at a much more affordable price.

To experience sound therapy with this vibration transducer, attach your sound system directly to the vibration transducer with the cable. Then play your favorite music or sound therapy CD.

NOTE: You can both listen to music or a CD and also connect to the transducer if you use a stereo headphone splitter.

It Features:

  • Low Frequency Response
  • Adjustable volume
Sound Therapy Products

International Customers
Please NOTE:

This transducer is designed to be used with US 120 volt electrical systems. To use it with 240 volt systems, it will be necessary to use a full step-down transformer similar to the one in the picture. A simple travel adaptor will not be adequate.


Sound Therapy CDs


Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs

Solfeggio Tones

Akin to the Tibetan chants, hear the Solfeggio Tones in their full glory in a sequence composed by Dr. Len Horowitz.

In the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, Dr. Len Horowitz shares six frequencies decoded from the King James Bible that are believed to be the ancient Solfeggio music scale.

These six Solfeggio frequencies from the Solfeggio scale are heard: 396 G, 417 Ab, 528 C, 639 Eb, 741 Gb, and 852 Ab.

These tones are produced in this digitally mastered CD in various combinations as specified by Dr. Len Horowitz.

How do I use this CD?

To use this sound therapy CD, simply listen to it as and when you feel it is appropriate.

Research in the field of BioWaves Sound Therapy suggests that sound can have extremely profound effects on the body, mind and emotions. Please use this CD with care, as the frequencies contained on it can be powerful. Let your body and emotions be your guide.

A Note From a User

A friend of mine from work bought the Solfeggio Tones CD. He had some high praise for it and let me borrow his for a weekend. At first it reminded me of the hearing tests at work, I thought it was goofy but I kept listening.

The longer I listened the more relaxed I became. I felt like I was sinking into my recliner, my body became heavy feeling. At one point I had some kind of strange experience I can't explain.

Before I knew it, the CD had finished. I felt so relaxed, it was amazing. The next week I purchased my own copy of the Tones and Music CD's.

Thank you for a great product.



Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Solfeggio Music with Gary Lamb

Piano music by Gary Lamb with Solfeggio Tones.

This beautiful CD incorporates into the music the Solfeggio Tones decoded from the Bible by Dr. Joseph Puleo and Dr. Len Horowitz.

Gary Lamb was very kind to let us adapt his music. You can visit Gary Lamb's web site to see his other music.

On this CD the Solfeggio Tones (see above) are inter-woven into the background of contemporary, easy listening music.

Playing time is 56 minutes.

Listen to excerpt from this lovely Solfeggio Music CD.


Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Spinal Scan CD

This sound therapy CD loops through a set of very specific frequencies intended to vibrate each bone in the spine. Go to this page for a list of the frequencies on the CD.

Listening to this CD should not generate any feeling of vibration in your spine. Nor should you necessarily feel more relaxed or energized. The effects of sound therapy are subtle.

It is possible that you may notice your vertebrae feel aligned or that you have a slight change in your sitting position or an increased range of motion in you back.

These frequencies are very low, so we advise that you consider listening with headphones.


Sound Therapy Products


Intuition Builder

Have you ever woken up from such a deep sleep that it took you several minutes to readjust to the waking world? The Intuition Builder CD is designed to help you get to these deeper levels of sleep using Binaural Beat Technology. It may take you into a whole other world of sleep.

Listen to a sample of this CD.


Sound Therapy Products


Perfect Fifth Meditation Drone CD

Relaxing and comforting.

This CD incorporates the power of specific musical intervals to assist in meditating. It is a perfect 3:2 interval, as in C to G.

We're sure you'll enjoy this potent combination of powerful CD's and Tapes. You can listen to samples of all three in the series. See below for the other's in this series.

Buy the whole set and save! See below.


Sound Therapy Products


Tri-Tone Meditation Drone CD


This CD incorporates the power of specific musical intervals to assist in meditating. The tones are C and F# ("Tri" tone is a misnomer.) According to church legend, this is the Diablo frequency. These tones are often used in horror films. Even though they sound rough and uncomfortable, they have been shown to be THE balancing interval.

Sound therapy uses this interval predominantly.

Listen to samples of all three in the series.

Buy the whole set and save! See below.


Sound Therapy Products


Phi-Tone Meditation Drone CD

A heartening sound.

This CD's incorporates the power of specific musical intervals to assist in meditating. Phi tone is a non-musical interval that is related to the natural phi ratio. It is suggested that this tone is important in harmonics and occurs in nature in many forms, from the positioning of petals on most plants to the ratio of bone lengths in the human body.

Listen to samples of all three in the series.

Buy the whole set and save! See below.


Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Meditation Drone CD Set

This set contains all three recordings listed above.

Listen to samples of all three in the series.


Sound Therapy Charts

Color and Sound Therapy Relationships Chart

Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs
Color Therapy Relationships Chart
Small - 8 1/2" X 11"

Large - 10 1/2" X 13 1/2"



This informative color therapy chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Colors
  • Common Symptoms
  • Common Emotional Issues
  • Common Health Issues
  • Musical Interval
  • Musical Notes
  • Energy Centers
  • Meridian

Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Scientific Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Wheel


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Scientific Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Musical Notes
  • Approximate Scientific Color Frequency
  • Astrological Signs.

The color frequency was determined using the scientific law of octaves. Light and sound are both frequencies, although different kinds of waves. If we could extend the notes of a piano up 49 octaves from middle C, the frequency of C in that octave would be the same as the frequency of green. F# would be the same as red. The other note frequencies would correspond to the frequencies of the other colors.

Just as the note of middle C is in harmony with the note of C one octave higher, the color green is in harmony with the note of C since, at the 49th octave above middle C, it is the same frequency. F# is in harmony with the color red for the same reason. The twelve notes of the octave are displayed in this chart with their corresponding colors.

It is fascinating to note that the colors in the Therapeutic Color Sound Wheel (see below) are just the opposite.


Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Therapeutic Color and Sound Therapy Wheel


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Therapeutic Color Therapy and Sound Therapy Chart illustrates the relationships between

  • Musical Notes
  • Approximate Scientific Color Frequency
  • Astrological Signs.

The Therapeutic Color Chart is useful in helping bring balance to an area of the body. If by the use of sound therapy it is determined that a person is low or high in a particular note, they may use the corresponding therapeutic color to help bring back balance.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine if an area which scores high indicates a deficiency or an excess. As an illustration, with hair analysis, a person may score high in calcium. That does not necessarily mean that they have an excess of calcium in their body. If a blood test indicates a lack of calcium, the calcium in the hair may indicate that the body is not able to absorb it and is excreting it into the hair, thus giving the high score.

It is fascinating to note that the colors in the Scientific Color Sound Wheel (see above) are just the opposite.


Transducer, sound therapy software and CDs


Color Therapy Octaves Chart


SIZE = 8 1/2" X 11".

This beautiful Color Therapy Octaves Chart shows the relationship between

  • Musical Octaves
  • Musical Notes Within the Octaves
  • Emotions
  • Organs

The color frequency was determined using the scientific law of octaves.


Sound Therapy Products


Songaia Color and Sound Therapy Wheel


8 1/2" X 14"

This chart illustrates the relationship between musical notes, colors and the astrological signs.

This chart is included with the Songaia 3 CD Set.


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An alternative medicine therapy for holistic health and wellness.



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