Medicine Song I"The magic is not in the medicine but in the patient's body - in the vis medicatrix naturae, the recuperative or self-corrective energy of nature. What the treatment does is to stimulate natural functions or to remove what hinders them. - C.S. Lewis, Miracles, 1940
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Medicine Song I

Medicine Song I


Medicine Song I includes a sound therapy CD and chant book using powerful ancient Indian, Hindu and Tibetan mantras. This album is an inspiring and important tool for transformation and healing.

In the great spiritual texts of India, mantras and sacred sound are said to be the most direct path to liberation. The current popularity of chant and sound as a method of healing is indicative of not only the tremendous need of a world out of balance, but also that we live at a time of changing epochs and a time of great opportunity to change and reach a new level of supreme enlightenment. The ancient Lamas of Tibet predicted that in this time, Shambhala would be close at hand, and that humanity would have a rare window of fortunate blessings to assist in awakening consciousness.

Mantras are made up of combinations of seed syllables (Bija) and because of their inherent benevolent nature, can never be used for harm. Chanting or recitation of mantras is always done with a clear intention of benefiting others, and dedicating the merit for the good of all sentient beings. The combining of sacred sound with clear intention is the ancient alchemical formula for conscious creation.

In my years of practice with mantra and sound as medicine, I have had many extraordinary experiences and been witness to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healings in myself and others. Chanting is a way to clear limiting patterns and conditions and also a way to bring harmony, balance, clarity, and increased energy into ones life and for others. When sacred sound is uttered it is said to never end, reaching out beyond the stars. That is the infinite nature of harmonics. Great Fortunate-Blessings in your chanting to benefit our beautiful world. - Ani Karma Shiway Pemo

Sing along

For maximum effectiveness, it is suggested that you sing, tone or hum along. The voice vibrates your whole body, and helps lead to great health and wholeness.

Click on a green button to hear excerpts. Click again to stop.

Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi - Mantra of Manjushri

The Mantra of Manjushri from the Wisdom Buddha is understood to express enlightenment.

Chorus: Om Ah Hum - The purifying combination of Om (The infinite of existence) Ah (Preserver of creation) and Hum (provides vital energy)

Om Zambhala Zalen Daye Soha (Tibet) - Financial Mantra

Said to help create prosperity.

Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padme Siddhi Hum - The blessing mantra

This mantra is said to bless, and is sometimes written in sand to bless an area, or over a doorway to bless those entering.

Om - The infinite existence
Ah - Preserver of creation
Hum - Provides vital energy
Vajra - Brings Unison
Guru - wisdom and instruction
Padma - Fearless compassion
Siddhi - Power of Dharma Realm

Om Tare Tum Soha - Mother Mantra

This mantra calls forth Tara, the Bodhisatva mother of all buddhas born from Lotus. Said to call in the red aspect of Tara to call vitality and protection and help humanity with great compassion and healing.

Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha - Green Tara #1

Calls one of the Green aspects of Tara for healing and protection, and is understood to be the source of all the other aspects of Tara.

Gate Gate Para Gate Para Sam Gate Bodhi Swaha (Buddhist) - Perfect Heart of Wisdom

From the Heart Sutra, said to help enter the Perfect Heart of Wisdom.

Translation - Gone beyond, beyond the beyond, beyond the farthest shore to the state of enlightenment.

Om Mani Padme Hum - Jewel of the Lotus

Often used as a protection charm against misfortune.

Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha - Green Tara #2

Another variation of the Green Tara chants.

Om Benzra Sato Hum - Six Syllable

The six syllable Vajrasattva Heart Mantra.

100 Syllable - Purification Mantra

The 100 syllable purification Vajrasattva mantra helps to purify and erase our transgressions.

Om Namah Shivaya (Hindu) - Honors Shivah

Honors Shivah who helps us see through illusion to see our perfection.

Archangels - Archangel Invocation

Invokes Michael - Raphael - Uriel and Gabriel.


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