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Jon’s Resonance TheoryBy Jonathan HeathObservations on Bipolar: How blood flow resonance is involved in uncontrollable mood states illnesses and a possible medication free way back to normalityMost mental illnesses are in fact just one large ‘spectrum’ of problems, and are the result of a combination of both molecular and structural internal resonant frequencies caused by an imbalance of blood flow into the brain. The implications of this are that not only can a patient’s condition at any one time be accurately measured, but also that there is a method to reverse the condition, in effect to possibly cure the problem. Everything in nature is beautifulI remember seeing a film a few years ago about the discovery of the DNA double helix by James Watson and Francis Crick, starring Jeff Goldblum. There was one part in particular that stood out to me, which was when Rosalind Franklin, who was working in a lab in the same building as Crick & Watson announced she had found the DNA structure. After a quick look at her attempt, when in private, Watson (I believe it was) knew Franklin had misinterpreted her x-ray diffraction data, saying that “her model wasn’t ‘beautiful’, everything in nature is beautiful”. He had seen the 4 dot pattern on one of the x-ray plates & deduced the double helix structure, which I am sure everyone will agree is one of the most beautiful things in nature. I have been suffering with a what appears to be a mix of Bipolar disorder & a refractory depression for many years, & have found getting treatment extremely difficult. In the past I have been told “you just have to learn how to be happy” & been turned away several times as my problems don’t seem to react properly to the usual drugs. About two and a half years ago, I had a rather serious psychotic episode, which I quickly realised was caused by external stressors, loss of job, bankruptcy, etc. I also realised that the body is clever enough to come to terms with this sort of thing and eventually the symptoms would gradually subside as the stressors were overcome. It wasn’t a huge leap to work out that there must be a physical/physiological process or set of processes which were going on, and started asking what these processes were, to which the best reply was ‘we haven’t got a clue, except that it’s all to do with a hormone imbalance in the brain’. I was told the whole of ‘mental illness’ is a huge grey area, lots of problems overlap, and all the doctors can do is to throw different drugs at you until they find one or a combination of drugs which work... Forgive my cynicism, but I do not view this in any way to be ‘beautiful’. ![]() As you are probably aware, many bipolar people show lots of talent in different areas, some can be very artistic, quite a few famous actors/actresses are bipolar, as well as many singers and songwriters. My talent lies in systems analysis, so I decided to devote myself to figuring out exactly what was happening on a physical level in my head during the various stages of mania/depression, in essence, working out what is the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalances, the thinking being if I understand what is happening, I should be able to figure out a drug free way to control it. I was told at the time (and since!) by the experts that this was impossible to do. Not only do I firmly believe that it is possible, but also that in order to fully understand mental illness, you have to live it. I learned how to, for the most part at least, ignore the mania, depressions and suicidal feelings, and concentrate purely on the mechanics of what was happening. I believe this has given me an ‘insight’ that the doctors, even with the best of intentions, can only dream of. I worked out that if one can remove all the external stressors quicker than the body can adapt, then you will be left with the physical process still taking place, and if that can be identified, then you have the answers that have so far eluded the mental health professionals. Frequencies within FrequenciesAt the end of 2008 I was admitted to hospital, and during that stay something rather strange happened. I was stood outside having a cigarette, when a lady patient came out, and for no particular reason I know of, started singing. Within seconds my eyes welled up, and I began crying. This single event made me realise that frequencies were far more powerful than certainly I had given them credit for. There are two types of resonant frequencies which it is important to explain in order to understand the theory. 1: Molecular ResonanceThis I feel is best explained by a passage from the BioWaves™ ‘Sound Assistant’ Manual: VibrationsAccording to Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan, “man is not only formed of vibrations, but he lives and moves in them; they surround him as the fish is surrounded by water, and he contains them within him as the tank contains the water. His different moods, inclinations, affairs, successes and failures, and all conditions of life depend upon a certain activity of vibration, whether these be thought, emotions or feeling”. Your body is an amazing symphony of electro-chemical frequencies, sounds and rhythms. Billions of living cells, each in constant motion, contribute their part to a larger whole (the heart, for instance), and ultimately to the whole that is your physical body. Because cells constantly produce frequencies, we have an enormously complex symphony of interdependent vibrational systems. As matter becomes more dense and complex, the frequency rate drops. Each system of the body vibrates at a different rate, according to its density. In other words muscles and bones, being among the densest of body components, vibrate at a lower frequency than the nervous system. It would appear that all organs and systems within a body have their own resonating frequency, or natural rate of vibration. Disease overtakes an organ or system when those resonant frequencies get out of balance. The frequencies can sometimes become too weak or too strong, in the same way that a string or horn section can disrupt the harmony of an orchestra – if they get too load or too soft or play out of tune. We all know the power of molecular frequency: This is best shown by when you flick a wine glass with your finger nail it will produce a ‘ping’ sound at a frequency which is particular to the individual constituents of that glass. If you record that sound, and then replay the exact frequency back to the glass at a high enough intensity, the glass will literally explode! 2: Structural ResonanceYou may remember back in the year 2000, the Millennium Bridge , a footbridge across the Thames River in London was opened. Within hours of opening, the bridge was closed again due to its swaying from side to side, becoming dangerous for the pedestrians crossing. After some investigating by structural engineers, they found that the swaying had been caused by the pedestrians walking ‘in time’ with each other. Although the audible frequency did not match the resonant frequency of the concrete, etc., of which the bridge was made, the footfall frequency did match the frequency of the structure as a whole, and was powerful enough to start the bridge swaying, to the point that collapse was inevitable if it was allowed to continue. In short, the frequency of the frequency can be just as destructive as the frequency itself! There is another aspect of sounds and frequency which binds both molecular and structural frequencies together; it is the one that allows us to identify what type of sound we are hearing, be it a human voice, a particular type of musical instrument or a cat purring... A trumpet and a flute may be made out of the same type of metal, but even when they are producing the same note, for example a middle ‘C’, we can tell which instrument is making the sound. Although I know this is important to some extent, (I find saxophone and real piano to be the instruments which produce the most relaxing sounds, generally in the lower octaves), it appears to be more relevant in a complimentary system as opposed to the antagonistic system I propose. I remember seeing an ‘episode’ of Future Weapons on television in 2009, in which they said that the Americans were developing a type of ‘sound weapon’, specifically for crowd control in riot situations, etc., and apparently a version of this was used during the G20 riots. This is not new technology, and there are numerous examples of research, etc., listed on the internet. However, what caught my attention was when the narrator of the programme said that ‘Low Frequency, High Intensity sound waves bounce the brain’. Balance, Harmony and HomeostasisThere are four arteries which supply blood to the brain, the left and right internal carotids, and the left and right vertebral arteries. The carotid arteries are the main feed into the head, they split off into many branches to most of the brain, but the arteries themselves terminate at the Circle of Willis, which surrounds and feeds the hypothalamus gland. In conjunction with the pituitary gland, they can be viewed as the ‘hormone control centre’ as they regulate the production of hormones in many other glands throughout the body. When the internal cross sectional areas of all four arteries are in the correct proportions, both with regard to one another, but also in relation to the carotid veins, the volume of blood pumped through each artery will be in the correct ratio. In most people, the cervical vertebrae wear evenly, which ensures the lengths of the vertebral arteries stay within acceptable limits in relation to one another. This ensures that the timing of each pulse stays within limits, and therefore balance is created, the brain runs in harmony and homeostasis is easy to maintain. As there are four arteries into the brain, each one will produce its own frequency as the blood passes through it in the same way that you can hear water passing through a hose pipe, with the frequency increasing as the pressure rises. It follows that the generated frequency range will be determined by a combination of the cross sectional area of the arteries and the pressure of the blood passing through it. The frequencies generated from this will look like a normal sound sine wave, although truncated both at the top and bottom, with an almost straight left edge as the blood pressure rises rapidly with each heart beat, and an elongated right edge when the blood pressure drops off. (Which I guess is nothing like a sine wave, I just can’t find any better way of describing it!) This appears to tie in with BioWaves™ research, showing that there are four frequencies that cannot be heard. It is accepted (or have I made this bit up?) that if you take any given frequency, and then replay that frequency from a second source, where the waves are in opposite phase with each other, the two sounds will cancel each other out. I don’t know the correct term for this, I call it anti-noise. If you apply this to the brain frequencies, the internal systems will ‘phase out’ to the external one resulting in anti-noise, hence the external source cannot be heard. It follows that the same rules should apply when trying to vocalise those same frequencies. This anti-noise frequency, when played back from an external source (as with the BioWaves™ Sound Assistant system), will therefore cancel out the internal frequency, having the effect of almost instantly relaxing and calming the patient, however this effect is only temporary. As any sportsperson will agree, before competing it is important to ‘psych yourself up’, in effect the brain tells the heart to pump faster and harder, thus increasing flow over the pineal and pituitary glands, stimulating the production of adrenaline along with other hormones, and, therefore, allowing for optimum performance, implying, in this instance, at least, that mood control can begin with a conscious thought and brain activity, which then leads on to hormone production. However, if you inject someone with, for example, adrenaline, then the effect will be the same, although the mood generated will not necessarily be desired by the recipient. In other words, mood can control hormone production, but the inverse is also true. What happens when things go wrong?I do not believe that problems like bipolar are genetic or inherited. It appears to me that everyone has the ‘capability’ to become mentally ill at any time in their lives if circumstances conspire. It is acknowledged that John Nash, Jr., the subject of the film ‘A Beautiful Mind’, was broken down mentally by society to such an extent that eventually he finished up (being diagnosed) as a paranoid schizophrenic. In 2008 I started getting what I can only describe as ‘that sort of feeling you get when you hit your funny bone’, except that I was getting it first through the front of my brain, and over time it spread to be the whole of my brain. When I asked my doctor about it, without hesitation he said I was having brain spasms. Even though I had several times been told things incorrectly by doctors at this same surgery, I blindly believed him. I did a small amount of searching on the net, and found that there are only three main causes of brain spasms: tetanus (which I know I didn’t have), aicardi syndrome (which generally only females can have), or a cerebral aneurism. In short, I wasn’t overly happy with the thought of the kind of death that an aneurism gives, or more to the point the fact that it quite often results in serious brain damage rather than death. I remember saying to the psychiatrist I was seeing at the time that it felt like my brain was moving around as it seemed to happen mostly in the morning when I bent forward, or when it was cold and I was walking around. I asked him if it could be related to blood flow and low CSF pressure allowing my brain to ‘slosh around’. His ‘smirk’ suggested he thought I was wrong. To cut the story short, it resulted in my being admitted to mental hospital in Gloucester on Dec 31 st 2008 . The first time I saw the consultant psychiatrist at the hospital he immediately said ‘That’s not brain spasm at all...’ On a plus though I got a cerebral CT scan done while I was in there, the report came back as ‘No abnormality found.’ So, even though I was reassured it wasn’t an aneurism, I still had no idea what was causing it. On the 10th Dec 2010, I found this snippet from Patrick McCaffrey, PhD. CSU, Chico: “The choroidal arteries, which arise both from the divisions of the internal carotid arteries and from the basilar system, supply blood to the choroid plexuses and also to the hippocampus. Blockages in these arteries can affect the production of cerebrospinal fluid and can also cause memory problems...” He doesn’t elaborate on how the production of CSF can be affected, but I assume that any blockage to blood supply must result in a lowering of CSF pressure. I don’t think I had a blockage anyway, but if blood pressure/flow to the head falls below a certain limit, then the symptoms should still be consistent with a blockage. Those ‘funny bone’ type feelings have all but disappeared now, so in some respects it has become irrelevant, but I think the underlying problem is still there (as vasovagal syncope). On several occasions I have been told by doctors that I am very in tune with what is going on in my body, a sort of continuing assurance that I have been working along the right lines. I had an examination by an optician in January 2010, part of which was a glaucoma test, where the internal pressure of the eyes is checked. I do not know what scale they use, but the left eye registered 16 on the gauge, and the right one came back as a rather low 12. Internal eye pressure is obviously governed by blood pressure. This confirmed to me what I had thought for over a year, but was until then unable to prove, that the blood pressure in the right side of my head is out of balance with the left, (only 3/4 of the left). An amount of this can be attributed to the fact that the right and left hemispheres of the brain are different sizes, although this is the case with everybody. Therefore, there must be a further problem contributing, and there is only one possible factor left when you take into account my scan which found no abnormalities in the brain, and that is blood flow. It can only be caused by one of or a combination of:
The Vertebral arteries split off from the left and right carotids respectively at the base of the neck, and run up through holes in the sides of six of the top seven vertebrae, known as the cervical vertebrae. From there they join back together to form the basilic artery, which then splits again to feed left and right to the base of the pituitary gland. They also continue upwards as the posterior communicating arteries from where they join up with the internal carotids. Dr McCaffrey goes on to say:“Before the basilar artery divides, several other arteries arise from it. These include the anterior, inferior, and posterior cerebellar arteries as well as pontine branches. So, the cerebellum and pons are supplied by branches of the basilar. The posterior cerebral arteries supply the part of the brain found in the posterior fossa of the skull, including the medial area of the occipital lobes and the inferior aspects of the temporal lobes. They also supply the midbrain and deliver blood to the thalamus and some other subcortical structures. Blockages in this artery can affect the sense of smell, and cause cranial nerve damage, as well as visual problems, including visual agnosia, hemianopsia and alexia.” This seems to imply that my eyesight problems are at least in some measure related to the vertebral arteries. I have asked several ‘specialists’ why the vertebral arteries are clamped the way they are, but to date no-one has been able to give an answer. I prefer to believe that millions of years of evolution cannot be wrong, and that any such complex setup must have a reason. It appears to me that it is a system designed to limit the rate of enlargement of the vertebral arteries, and therefore also limit the maximum flow blood volume into the brain via these pathways. During extended periods of stress or mental exercise, the arteries in the brain will undergo the same growth patterns as any artery supplying blood to any other muscle in the body. This allows for the setting up of front to back imbalances of blood flow as the carotid arteries do not have any limiting factor on their growth. This allows the brain to cope with external stress better than it would if all four arteries were allowed to grow at the same rate. I feel it is important to note that the volume of blood flow will increase exponentially with the increase in cross sectional area of the arteries, and therefore this makes it a very efficient system for switching to stress ‘management’ and accelerated learning states, etc... There is also the possibility that a knock on effect is to prolong the length of blood flow with each stroke and therefore extend the period of stimulation of the glands on every heart beat due to both the way the arteries will ‘balloon’ out when heart rate/stroke increases, followed by the contraction of the muscular walls of the arteries as the pulse passes. Once the imbalance reaches a certain limit, the brain will be ‘tricked’ into mood changes, in more extreme cases as part of a positive feedback system where the mood state experienced is no longer controllable by the patient. An example of a positive feedback system is an infection which produces a fever. In some cases, the fever will make the infection worse, which in turn forces the fever even higher. The cycle continues getting ever worse, in many cases positive feedback systems can be very dangerous for the patient, and often can only be stopped by outside intervention (medical treatment). It is not possible for me to be sure of the exact mechanism involved during this growth and adaptation phase, whether it is either:
Whichever method is ultimately responsible for the hormone imbalance, the results are the same, potentially extreme psychosis, mania, depressions, etc., with the exact type(s) of the illness being directly related to which particular arteries are out of balance, and the intensity of the illness being directly related to how far out of balance they are. This is consistent with the intensity of the stressors and the length of time the patient is exposed to them being in direct proportion to how ‘ill’ the patient becomes, and in turn, how long it takes to recover. I remember seeing a documentary on television entitled ‘Stephen Fry: Manic Depressive’, in which he described how bipolar sufferers will often attempt to remove themselves from society when their illness gets too much to cope with. I have had these feelings for years, as though I want to run away, although not being able to figure out what I was running away from. In addition, I found that once I had succeeded in shutting the world out, the feelings still remained, and still do now, although not with the same intensity as before. This is further ‘evidence’ that hormone imbalance cannot be the root cause of bipolar. A more logical explanation would appear to be that it is the physiological changes which have taken place during long term exposure to stress which are actually to blame. This then provides the final part of the puzzle. Once the stimuli have been removed, the arteries will slowly shrink back in size, until a version of homeostasis is restored. However, as they shrink in proportion to one another, the size ratios will remain roughly unchanged. A benefit of this is that the body will keep itself prepared for a further episode of stress, although it means that certain mood states will prove difficult to sustain. On the downside though, this also means that relapse into mental illness will be far more likely, and explains the recurrent nature of problems like bipolar. It further seems to explain how the illness gets progressively worse with each occurrence. I feel that as the arteries shrink, the actual brain volume should reduce with it. This will effectively increase the density of the brain, in turn reducing its susceptibility to external frequencies, which is consistent with my experience during and after my last ‘manic’ episode. Anyway, the crux of the matter is that the theory indicates that by careful application of the correct frequencies it should be possible to stimulate blood flow to certain areas of the brain while restricting flow to others. This should, over time correct the imbalances and permanently relieve the patient of their symptoms, in effect curing them. There is also the possibility of accelerating this process by using it in conjunction with the right frequencies of flashing lights as in an epilepsy test. Perhaps instead of using white light, the system may be enhanced still further by using therapeutic colour frequencies. Further Considerations and Implications...I believe that patients who suffer from syncope (dizziness, and in extreme cases grand mal seizure caused by massive lowering of the blood pressure to the head after standing up, or eating, etc.), [again, the docs don’t seem to agree with seizures caused by this, but I have had one] and/or show scoliosis, probably with damage or incorrect wear patterns to the vertebrae and associated cartilages in the neck will probably be more at risk of internal resonant frequency susceptibility and positive feedbacks, in addition to hyper-sensitivity to external frequencies, such as hearing snoring and babies crying, etc. I believe the roots of parents sometimes killing their babies lies in this kind of external frequency based positive feedback system, as well as things like ‘road rage’, etc. I am also sure that many memory and motor systems problems (including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases) in the brain are closely tied in with my resonant flow theory, and that by careful manipulation using the process described in the above paragraph that symptoms should at least become controllable, if not the actual cure of the disease with potential reversal of ‘damage’ done, for example, regaining lost memories, etc. It also seems to make sense that the ‘voices and hallucinations’ associated with schizophrenia are generated by resonant frequencies from the vertebral arteries (as they are directly linked to both hearing and visual systems in the brain where the carotids are not linked to the hearing system). It is interesting to note that the sensory distortions caused by LSD are not caused by stimulation of any parts of the brain by the drug; in fact they are caused by three areas in the midbrain being shut down, apparently by restriction of blood flow. [BBC Documentary – The Brain, A Secret History]. The shutting down of blood flow will make the affected areas more susceptible to resonance from surrounding areas, which then in effect switches from being an internal to an external frequency. I have seen several references to the shutting down of the pleasure centres in the brain as being the start of schizophrenia, and the work of Dr. Robert Heath back in the 1960’s goes someway to confirming this. He showed that by using electrical brain implants, the pleasure centres could be stimulated and pleasure could once again be experienced. I believe that if the shut down areas are indeed responsible for the hallucinations, etc., then it follows that stimulation by resonance of those areas should stop the distortions. There is also the possibility that temporomandibular joint disorder, especially after removal of the wisdom teeth, may also be a contributing factor to the onset of mental illness in susceptible people. ThanksMy thanks go out to ‘BioWaves™ LLC’, for allowing me to use an excerpt from and references to their ‘Oneness Sound Assistant’ manual. In addition, thanks are due for their help in producing a far more ‘polished’ document than I could hope to. If anyone has any thoughts or would like further information, please contact me at: Read Jonathan Heath's autobiography.
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